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Today's hours are 7:30am - 9:00pm
but you can still book an appointment online.

Business Hours

Location: Harborne
Monday to Friday: 7.30am - 9.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am - 5.00pm
Sunday: Closed
Make appointments using our
online appointment system
or phone 0121 270 9480

brilliant musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapist:

Kelvin is a brilliant sports physiotherapist who understands sport and also knows and sees the benefits of a hands-on treatment approach
Kelvin is a keen sportsman and knows what sport and activity entails and how to get people back post injury. A brilliant musculoskeletal and sports physiotherapist who understands sport and also knows and sees the benefits of a hands-on treatment approach.

Kelvin was born and raised in Hong Kong, then moved to the UK to pursue study in Physiotherapy at the University of Nottingham. Following that, thankfully for us and our patients and clients he settled in the West Midlands but still enjoys travelling back to Hong Kong.

Kelvin is a skilled and experienced hands-on physiotherapist or manual therapist and also has brilliant soft tissue skills. Top rehab skills enable him to get you back to running, CrossFit, gym, football, hockey and lots of other sports. Sports wise he talks the talk and walks the walk!

Along with his top manual therapy skills he is also a superb at sports massage. He is also trained in acupuncture and uses this alongside his hands on and rehab skills.

Even though Kelvin enjoys treating all musculoskeletal issues, he has a particular interest in shoulder and knee injuries helping patients and clients to get back doing what they want to do.

Outside of the clinic, Kelvin is a passionate about weightlifting, climbing and food!